Mark my words, Friend. A reckoning is approaching


Hey friends - this is John Rich.

I'm proud to be a thorn in the side of the woke Left.

Here's the thing. I've been singing and writing country music since before the word "woke" was even a thing. I grew up in the South and was raised to be a freedom-loving patriot who always stands for the flag, protects the Second Amendment, supports our troops, and backs the blue.

And that's why it makes me absolutely sick to see what the liberal whack jobs have done to our country, and what they have in store for our future.

They want to redefine what it means to be an American. They won't stop until "one nation under God" is stripped from our Pledge of Allegiance. They are eager to parade drag queens through our children's classrooms. They won't sleep until the U.S. Constitution is shredded to bits.

It's an utter disgrace, but I find peace knowing that "the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming." It also doesn't hurt that we have patriots like Senator Marsha Blackburn fighting the good fight for us in the U.S. Senate.

That's actually why I'm emailing you today.

Chuck Schumer and his socialist cronies in Washington are propping up radical socialists to destroy Marsha Blackburn and PERMANENTLY take over Tennessee. They will spend, lie, and cheat their way to victory unless we do something about it right here and now.

We need a response that will leave Marsha's opponents regretting they ever entered the ring. So, I'm directly asking you to join me in supporting her campaign.

Senator Marsha Blackburn is as tough as they come. She's never given an inch to the woke mob, and she is a God-fearing patriot like you and me. Marsha has my complete backing, and I hope you're willing to give her the same.

I don't write emails like this ever, so trust me when I tell you that Marsha Blackburn needs your support today to defeat her opponents and all the commie loving Liberals hell-bent on destroying America.

If they take Tennessee, the battle is over. We'd never recover. I'm asking this as a personal favor to a fellow Patriot: please don't close this email without taking a moment to support Marsha Blackburn's campaign.

For America,
John Rich

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